This Week’s Order of Service

Order of Service for Sunday, September 8, at 11:15 a.m.

Gathering Music
Tetiana Zibrova, piano

Ringing of the Chimes
Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto,  Lead Minister

Opening Words
Rev. James

Special Music
“Sisi Kushangilia” (“We Will Be Glad”) by Victor C. Johnson
UUFR Choir
Art Lieberman, percussion
Tetiana Zibrova, piano

Chalice Lighting
Amber, Jordan, Brooklyn, Dylan, Gwendolyn, & Nolan Peterson

Opening Hymn
“Heart Wide Open”  by Lea Morris

Welcome and Announcements
Karen Jones, Worship Associate

Meet and Greet Your Neighbor

Time for All Ages
“Rivers of Living Water” for Water Communion
By Karen Marrolli; text based on John 7:38 and Psalm 42
UUFR Choir
Sarah Bindrim, violin;  Anne Dyke, flute

Children’s Recessional
#413,  “Go Now in Peace”

Sandy Pearce and Cathie Feild

“People Get Ready”  by Curtis Mayfield
Tetiana Zibrova, piano

“People Get Ready”
Rev.  James

Closing Hymn
“Keep on Moving Forward” by Emma’s Revolution

Closing Words
Rev. James

“Alouette”  by A. Ramirez and P. Mauriat
Tetiana Zibrova, piano

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Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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