Environmental Justice Ministry Team


The Environmental Justice Ministry Team (EJMT) supports UUFR’s programs focused on sustainability, climate change, and eco-spirituality.


When? Starting in September 2024, the EJMT meets the third Sunday of every month 10:00 AM–11:00 AM

How? Meetings are usually hybrid meetings. All are warmly invited to attend in person or via Zoom. There is no need to RSVP. The meeting location and Zoom link will be provided on UUFR’s upcoming-events page and through the EJMT email list.

What? A typical meeting involves reviewing progress on our initiatives (see below), planning for large events, and proposing and discussing ideas. Some sessions are “work” sessions where we get hands-on and do things like writing letters or making signs. See our meeting minutes link for detail.

Who? You! There’s always a lot going on and many ways to get involved.

Join EJMT'S Email List

Access EJMT'S Documents

Anyone subscribed to the EJMT’s email list can access the group’s documents on UUFR’s Google Drive. Meeting minutes are linked here.

Initiatives and Accomplishments

UUFR was formally recognized as a UUA Green Sanctuary in 2013. In 2023 UUFR became the first congregation in the United States to renew that status.
As a Green Sanctuary, UUFR commits itself to educational and advocacy activities under UUFR’s GS2030 plan.

Some recent notable achievements and projects include:

  • Reducing our carbon footprint with a solar array, new HVAC system, composting, and LED lighting replacements.
  • Educational programming such as movie screenings and Wednesday-dinner presentations.
  • Organizing Earth Day Celebrations at UUFR.
  • Supporting Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and other community programs such as Get Out the Vote and Prayer Chain for the Earth.
  • Running Biannual stream cleanups at Chavis Park through the City of Raleigh’s adopt-a-stream program.
  • Assembling environmentally friendly baskets for UUFR’s annual auction.
  • Environmental justice initiatives with other UUFR teams, UU congregations and community organizations.

There is always more to do and we enthusiastically welcome newcomers to get involved in ongoing projects and to spearhead new ones!

UUFR’s Lead Minister speaks at an environmental action. © T. Clayton, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Stay Connected

Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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