This Week’s Order of Service

Order of Service for Sunday, February 9, at 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.

Gathering  Music
Wenchao  Koniarczyk,  piano

Ringing of the Chimes
Rev.  Carrie  McEvoy,  UUFR  Assistant Minister

Opening Words
Rev.  Carrie

Special Music
“Give  Me  Your  Hand”  by  Ruaidri  Dáll  Ó Catháin
Samantha  Weaver,  violin
Wenchao  Koniarczyk,  piano

Lighting  of  the  Chalice
Karen  Jones,  Worship  Associate  (9:30)
Jason  Secosky,  Worship  Associate  (11:15)

Opening Hymn
“The  Spirit  of  God”  by  Ana  Hernandez
Based  on  tune  “Give  Me  Your  Hand”

Karen  Jones   (9:30)
Jason  Secosky   (11:15)

Meet and Greet Your Neighbor

Joys  and  Sorrows
Rev.  Carrie

Shared  Silence

Meditative  Hymn
#1002,  “Comfort  Me”

Sandy  Pearce,  UUFR  Board  Member  (9:30)
Cathie  Feild,  UUFR  Board  Member  (11:15)

Justice  Sunday  Testimonial
Jarred  White,  RAFI-USA
(Rural  Advancement  Foundation  International)

“Ashokan  Farewell”  by  Jay  Ungar
Samantha  Weaver,  violin
Wenchao  Koniarczyk,  piano

“The  Faith  of  Abraham  Lincoln:
    The  Balance  of  Moral  Certainty  and  Moral  Humility”
Rev.  Dr.  James  Kubal-Komoto,  UUFR  Lead  Minister

Closing Hymn
#86,  “Blessed  Spirit  of  My  Life”

Closing Words
Rev.  James

“Great  is  Thy  Faithfulness,”  arr.  by  William  M.  Runyon
Wenchao  Koniarczyk,  piano

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Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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