Joys and Sorrows Form: Use this form to submit a joy or sorrow to be shared during one of our worship services.
Space Request Form: Use this form to reserve a physical space at UUFR, make set-up requests, reserve a Zoom room for a virtual meeting, or reserve a display table on Sunday mornings.
Communication Submission Form: Use this form for any of the following…
Membership Form: Visitors can use this form to join UUFR as members.
Pledge Form: Use this form to make a pledge for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2024.
Feedback Form: Use this form to provide feedback to the Lead Minister and Board about any matter regarding UUFR.
New Group Application Form: Use this form to begin the process of starting a new group at UUFR.
Memorial Garden Form: Members or their family members should use this form to request to have a loved one’s cremains interred in our Memorial Garden or to have a loved one’s name inscribed on a stele.
Board Report Form: Board committees and task forces should use this form to update the board about their most recent meetings.
Sunday Morning Attendance Form: Ushers should use this form to report attendance at worship services.