Programs for 6th-12th Graders from September 2024 to June 2025
Every Sunday we offer youth group for our teenagers to gather to building community through games, service, and meaningful discussions. We also offer additional programs for High Schoolers to make a deeper commitment to serving our community or exploring their spiritual beliefs.
6th – 8th graders meet in the Teen Cave during second service for reflection, games, and faith exploration led by Em Puertolas.
In the Fall the group will explore the values of UU Community through games and service projects. In the Winter and Spring they will explore world religions with visits to different faith centers.
High School Programs
Youth Group, Coming of Age, and Teen Assistant Program
High School Youth Group
High Schoolers meet 1st – 3rd Sundays from 12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. in the Teen Cave led by Dana and Em. We share joys and sorrows, engage in discussions led by teens, and play games while enjoying snacks and ramen. On 1st Sundays we will engage in deeper spiritual reflection and activities.
Coming of Age
Coming of Age is a beloved program that guides high schoolers in examining the great religious questions and clarifying their own beliefs or “credos”. Participants will have a mentor (church member) they will meet with monthly as well as participate in a spirituality retreat and heritage trip.
In build a strong sense of community and deeper container for learning, participants commit to attend youth group every 1st Sunday, Coming of Age sessions with mentors every 4th Sundays (except Nov and Dec), and two overnight retreats Dec 14-15 and April 11th-13th
Teen Assistant Program
During services, teens have the opportunity to support Family Ministry and the Worship as paid assistants. Teens will work 2-4 Sundays a month supporting programming for infants to elementary aged youth or supporting A/V needs in the Sanctuary. Accepted teens who are 14 years old will be paid $10 an hour. A zoom interview with Em is required for this program. Please email Em at if you would like to schedule an interview.
Attending Service in the Sanctuary
We invite teens to also attend service. In the back of the sanctuary we have soul work for all ages with coloring and stitching materials and fidgets.
In addition teens are invited to volunteer in helping with service in the choir, as a worship associate, or greeter. Email to learn more.