UUFR has had a commitment to environmental justice throughout its history and that is stronger than ever as we approach our 75th anniversary. The Fellowship’s formal efforts in environmental stewardship began with a Sustainability Statement of Conscience in 2010. UUFR became a candidate for Green Sanctuary status in 2011, which was granted by the UUA in 2013.
The application for Green Sanctuary status listed fifteen separate projects in four categories: Worship and Celebration, Religious Education, Environmental Justice and Sustainable Living. These initiatives were actively pursued initially but since there was no team dedicated to environmental stewardship in place, many fell by the wayside as time went on. In 2018, several members agreed that a renewed effort was required, and the Environmental Justice Ministry Team (EJMT) was organized under the auspices of the UUFR Social Justice Council. Since then, the EJMT has championed, and the entire congregation has supported, investments to reduce our carbon footprint, initiatives to promote environmental justice, connections to our community and the UUA’s Green Sanctuary network. These efforts culminated in achieving Recognition under the UUA’s Green Sanctuary 2030 program on October 29, 2023. UUFR was the first U. S. UU congregation to achieve this status.
Some of the key milestones and achievements include:
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has identified 2030 as the year when worldwide greenhouse gas emissions must significantly decline and UUFR has embraced this objective in our 2024-29 Strategic Plan, with a commitment to reduce GG emissions from our utility use by 50% relative to 2018. Due to the infrastructure investments UUFR made, we were able to achieve this objective in 2023, seven years ahead of schedule.
Many of these projects were infrastructure-focused and much of that work is complete. However, our care for the Earth and those affected by the climate crisis and other environmental harms goes on with legislative advocacy and community action. UUFR is now recognized as a leader on the environment in the Triangle and beyond and we will make sure that is true in the critical days to come.