Annual Elections and Budget Meeting June 9, 2024

Dear UUFR Members:

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on June 9, 2024, during our regularly scheduled worship time, starting at 10:00am. We look forward to your joining us for this important gathering in the life of the Fellowship!

Your Board,
Sarah Ford Neorr, President
Laura Dupré, Board Past President
Tom Karches, Secretary
Paul Groves, Treasurer
Jessica Godreau, Member at Large
Sandy Pearce, Member at Large

Annual Elections and Budget Meeting

Article III of our bylaws states, “A congregational meeting shall be held in the second calendar quarter and shall be designated the Annual Elections and Budget Meeting.” This year’s agenda items include the election of Board and Nominating Committee members, approval of the 2024-25 budget, and recognition of volunteers, including the recipient of the 2024 Michos-Irwin Award.

The 2024 UUFR Annual Report will become available at this link on May 26, 2024.

Time and Place

Sunday, June 9, 2023, at 10:00am, in place of our regular worship service. Coffee and refreshments will be served beginning at 9:30am.

This meeting is expected to last 60 – 75 minutes.

Our regular programming for children and youth will be available during the meeting.

Meeting Participation

This meeting is an opportunity for us to live our principles, including the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

  • All Members of the congregation are encouraged to attend in person in order to reach a quorum as required for business.  The meeting will be live streamed on YouTube for viewing only; virtual participation and voting will not be possible.
  • UUFR Visitors and Friends are warmly welcome to attend, but may not speak on motions or vote.   Interested in becoming a member?   There’s still time!   Sign up anytime between now and June 8 here. For those who have become Members, but have not had an opportunity to put their signatures in our treasured Membership Book, the Book will be available for signing before and after the meeting.

Voting Options

  • In-person at the Annual Meeting
  • Via absentee ballot
    • For Members unable to attend the Annual Meeting in-person on June 9, 2024.
    • Available in print just outside UUFR’s main office or electronically.

Proposed Motions for the Annual Meeting:

Motion 1: Approve Special Rules (2/3 vote required)

  • 2-minute speaking limit (does not apply to Chair or presenters).
  • Can’t speak again until all others have spoken (does not apply to Chair or presenters).Parliamentarians may debate motions and vote.

Motion 2: Approve proposed Agenda

Motion 3: Elect the following members to serve on the Nominating Committee:

  • Rhonda Pyatt (3-year term)
  • David Ranii (3-year term)

Motion 4: Adopt the Budget for FY 2024-25

Motion 5: Elect the following Members to serve on the Board of Directors:

  • President Elect: Rachel Wellons (3-year term)
  • Secretary: Holly Thomasson (2-year term)
  • Treasurer: Cathie Feild (2-year term)
  • Director at Large: Warren Keyes (2-year term)

Stay Connected

Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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