Resolution supporting sit-ins and boycotted segregated restaurants
Contributed funds to support Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s visit to Raleigh
7 families boarded Native American students so they could attend Catholic school in Raleigh.
One of five churches which built Rich Park, a low income apartment complex still in existence.
Helped establish Method Day Care for that community.
Draft counseling program
Supported the Equal Rights Amendment
Convinced Raleigh School Board to allow pregnant girls to remain in school
Sponsored 3 families of Vietnamese refugees
Road/highway clean-up
Supported Parents and Friends of Gays and Lesbians (PFLAG)
Helped staff an overnight shelter for the homeless which sometimes was at UUFR
AIDS Care Team provided support for individuals, raised funds for housing and educated the
AIDS Food pantry – regular collections at grocery stores.
Raised over $2000 for Human Rights Center in Chiapas, Mexico
Welcoming Congregations efforts started
Racial Justice Committee helped St. Ambrose Episcopal Church with stream clean-up and
raising money to build Wetlands Center Park in East Raleigh.
Adopt-a-Highway clean ups
Stream Watch on Middle Creek in Wake County
Interweave Group provided support to LGBTQ+ individuals including a game night
Peace Booth at State Fair
UU Service Committee support – guest at your table boxes and Christmas card sales
Antiracism workshop “A Jubilee World” held
Several year emphases on food ministries – collection and shelving food for Urban Ministries,
gleaning, packing bags for seniors and delivering them, collecting food for back-pack buddies
Providing a meal once a month at Helen Wright Center.
Increase in Environmental Justice efforts – incorporating some features into new building,
Information on sustainable eating practices.
Regular antiracism movies, presentations and large congregation events.
Interweave and game night continued.
Pride marches and booths.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day march participation.