UU the Vote

UUFR members are joining with other Unitarian Universalists across North Carolina and across the country to encourage participation in the November elections.

We are participating with the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina in a postcard campaign targeting infrequent voters of color.

In 2022, UUFR members and friends wrote 2000 postcards. We hope to double that number in 2024. If every UUFR member writes only eight postcards, we can reach our goal of sending 4,000 postcards. 

Here is how you can participate:

  • Sign up to send postcards.
  • You will receive postcards in August and September and a script to use.
  • Mail your postcards October 1 -15. We will provide the postage.

There are other ways to encourage voting in the November election as well. The UUA and the UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina are partnering with other organizations to to register voters, phone bank, canvass, poll watch, provide rides to the polls and be a part of a rapid response safety network. We will update you when these events are ready to sign up for.  You can also find out more below.

Please do whatever you can to make a difference in this critical election!

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Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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