A Few Memories from Dan Steen
What made you want to join UUFR?
I started working at NC State in 1984. It seemed like everyone I worked with went to church. I grew up in LA and hadn’t been to church since I was a young teenager. I looked around and remembered someone mentioning the Unitarian Universalist Church so I gave it a try and have been here ever since.
Talk about a time when UUFR and/or UUFR members especially touched your life.
We got married in Founders Hall before the Sanctuary was built!
I’ve been in the hospital 5 times for various reasons including leukemia, heart valve replacement, and broken arm. Each time, UUFR members stepped up to help with visits to the hospital and cards, bringing food, walking the dog, and visits at home.
When were you particularly proud to be a member of UUFR?
Most recently One Wake and Chatham Estates in Cary. Marching in downtown Raleigh for Moral Mondays.
What group or groups have you participated in, and how has that participation enriched your life?
Choir, Folky Friday, Lay Ministry, Committee on Ministry, RICH Park, Greeter, Wednesday Night Dinner cash collection. Learned a lot about music, singing, low income housing, ministerial duties.