Judi Egbert

My Herstory with UUFR, by Judi Egbert

While my herstory with UUFR lacks in longevity, it feels like it speaks volumes for the essential spirit and core of UUFR. My soul and bones say that spirituality is (or should be) inherently wed with social justice. So that is what I sought when we moved to central North Carolina at the start of the pandemic. Having participated in LGBTQ+ resource development with UUs in WA State and IN, my search quickly led me to UUFR’s website. The circuits lit up and I could feel the energy surge as I read about several active ministry teams with obvious goals and accomplishments.

Grounds work kept me in a Covid-safe outdoor space and Zoom enabled me to join teams that were (and are) proactively and positively tackling food security, housing access and affordability, LGBTQ+ equity, environmental justice and climate change, refugee resettlement, anti-racism, and criminal justice (plus other periodic projects) … “good trouble” in a host of ways.

From day one at UUFR, the welcoming and inclusive tone has been alive and thriving. It will feel sad to bid adieu this summer as we move closer to our son in VA … so many special friendships and a sense of meaningful engagement. But memories will stay rich with a feeling of gratitude for these years with UUFR.

Thank you!


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Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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