Teams and Committees

Ministry Teams

The Welcome Team helps welcome and integrate visitors and new members into the life of the congregation.

The Worship Team assists the ministers during Sunday morning worship services and organizes occasional lay-led services.

The Chalice Circle Team organizes Chalice Circles, our small group program for adults.

The Care Team provides cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation to members and regular visitors who have experienced an illness, accident, crisis, transition, or loss in their lives.

Lay Ministers are specially trained volunteers who help people who are experiencing challenging transitions and other difficulties in life.

Social Justice Teams facilitate the involvement of UUFR members and friends in a wide range of social justice activities in the wider community.

Family Ministry Teams help organize and provide programs to our children, youth, and their families.

The OWL (Our Whole Lives) Team organizes our comprehensive sexuality education programs for children and youth.

Operations Teams

The Facilities Team oversees the maintenance, repair, and improvement of our facilities.

The Grounds Team oversees the maintenance and improvement of our grounds.

The Kitchen Team oversees the use of our kitchen.

The Stewardship Team organizes our annual generosity campaign as well as other fundraising.

The Auction Team organizes our annual auction.

The Board and Its Committees

The Board sets congregational goals, creates policies to protect the well-being of the congregation, and monitors and evaluates the congregation’s progress toward its goals and its adherence to its policies.

The Nominating Committee recruits leaders for elected positions as well as board committees.

The Financial Advisory Committee assists the board in monitoring the congregation’s finances.

The Foundation oversees the congregation’s endowment.

The Memorial Committee oversees contributions to and disbursements from the Memorial Fund and has responsibility for the Memorial Garden.

The AIR (Addressing-Institutional Racism Team) makes recommendations to the board about how the congregation can become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

The Committee On Ministry helps the board evaluate the overall ministry, operations, and governance of the congregation.

Stay Connected

Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed