
If you are a newcomer to UUFR, we encourage you to take your time in making the decision to become a member of the congregation and to take the decision seriously..

Before deciding to become a member, we encourage you at least to attend one of our Newcomer Gatherings, usually held once a month at UUFR.

We also encourage you to attend Sunday morning worship services for a while.

If possible, we encourage you to learn more about UUFR and Unitarian Universalism by taking a class, joining a small group, participating in in some of our many social activities, or joining in one of our efforts to serve the larger community before making the decision to become a member.

It’s even possible for you to volunteer at UUFR before becoming a member.

Most current members at UUFR took between a few months and a year before making the decision to become members. Individuals who have been members of other Unitarian Universalist congregations sometimes make the decision more quickly.

The Meaning and Benefits of Membership

Before becoming a member at UUFR, it’s also important to understand the meaning of membership within a Unitarian Universalist congregation. While in some religious communities, becoming a member means affirming a particular set of beliefs, in a Unitarian Universalist congregation, becoming a member means joining in a shared commitment to the mission, vision, and values of the congregation.

There are many benefits to membership at UUFR:

  • Members are eligible to vote in congregational meetings.
  • Members are eligible to serve in leadership positions within the congregation.
  • Members receive a free subscription to the UUWorld, a quarterly magazine published by the Unitarian Universalist Association.
  • The ministers officiate rites of passage – such as child dedications, weddings, and memorial services – at no charge for members or members of their immediate families.
  • Members may rent space in the congregation for special events at reduced rates.
  • Beyond these practical benefits, the most important benefit of membership is the feeling of connection and meaning that members experience as a result of being a part of an organization that is making a difference in people’s lives and in the wider world.

Requirements of Membership

  • To become a member, you must be at least 13 years old.
  • You should be in sympathy with the mission, vision, and values of UUFR and Unitarian Universalism and should agree to abide by the congregation’s Covenant of Right Relations.
  • You are asked to support the congregation by volunteering as you are able and by making a pledge to support the congregation financially. All members are encouraged to be as generous as they are able, but there is no minimum pledge and there is an exemption from pledging from anyone experiencing extreme financial difficulty.

The Membership Process

Once you make the decision to become a member, the membership process is straightforward and easy.

  • Fill out a membership form. (See the link below.)
  • There is New Member Recognition Ceremony once a year, usually on the first Sunday of February, to recognize and celebrate all the new members who have joined during the past 12 months as well as their families. While most new members enjoy participating in these ceremonies, participation is optional.

The Membership Form

If and when you are ready to become a member of UUFR, you can fill out the membership form here.

Stay Connected

Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed