Special Giving at UUFR

Discover the many ways to support the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh!

The UUFR Stewardship Team encourages members and friends, when it is possible, to make donations above and beyond their annual pledges. Three Special Giving funds are the Capital Improvement Fund, the Endowment Fund and the Memorial Fund. Gifts to these funds are tax-deductible. While end-of-the-year gifts are common, please be aware that gifts may be made at any time and are always welcome.

Also, as you do your estate planning, consider remembering UUFR in your will. Everyone should have a will, and including a gift to one of these UUFR special funds in your will is an excellent and meaningful way to support this beloved community.

Gifts to the Capital Improvement Fund, the Endowment Fund, and Memorial Fund may be made by a variety of means, including cash, stocks and check. Write your check to UUFR and put the name of the fund in the check’s memo line. For the Memorial Fund, include a note to indicate the name of the person(s) your gift will honor.

UUFR’s EIN # is 56-1377997

Learn more about the Endowment Fund and the Memorial Fund below.

The Endowment Fund

What is the UUFR Endowment Fund?

The Endowment Fund is our savings account for the future. As families save for the future so that they can enrich their lives as well as cover unforeseen emergencies, so should the Fellowship. The Endowment Fund is managed by the UUFR Foundation.

The UUFR Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to manage the Endowment Fund. It accepts contributions to the Endowment Fund, invests the Endowment, and disburses funds to UUFR. The Foundation is a separate corporation from UUFR but authorized by UUFR bylaws. It has its own bylaws and Board of Directors.

What is the Endowment Fund’s purpose?

The Endowment Fund provides a way for us who owe so much to those who have preceded us to make a financial contribution to ensure a healthy and exciting future for those who will come after us “in one unbroken line.” It is truly for our tomorrows and permits each of us to fund a legacy.

How are the Endowment funds used?

The Foundation’s bylaws provide that earnings from Endowment Fund will be used to finance UUFR facilities, to enrich our programs, and to help meet the needs and purposes that are outside the operating expenses of the UUFR.

  • Spending the Fund’s principal is not permitted without the unanimous consent of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the UUFR Board of Directors. If such consent is given, use of principal is limited to 25% of the net worth of the unrestricted assets of the Foundation at the beginning of the year in which the distribution is made.
  • The Foundation cannot give funds to UUFR for its operating budget. However, funds can be used to make interest bearing loans to UUFR that could be used in the event of an operating shortfall.

The UUFR Foundation Manages the Endowment Fund

The UUFR Foundation comprises seven Directors. Six are selected by the UUFR Board of Directors. The seventh member is a member of the UUFR Board of Directors. The Foundation Directors, who must be UUFR members, function under bylaws and articles of incorporation established by the Foundation Board.

Director   Role Phone
Jim VanKirk President 919-740-7594
Mike Fox Treasurer 919-264-7790
Rebecca Mayhew Secretary 919-272-6086
Sarah Ford Neorr Board Representative
Thomas Clayton Director 919-366-6086
Erik Dyke Director 919-410-2096
Karthik Kripapuri Director 651-592-9826

How can you give?

Gifts can be made to the Foundation by:

  • Naming the UUFR Foundation as a beneficiary to receive money, stock, real estate (a house or land), or other property under you will;
  • Naming the UUFR Foundation as a beneficiary under your life insurance policy;
  • Transferring your home to the Foundation but reserving a “life estate” in the property that allows you to live there until you die;
  • Establishing and funding a trust that will provide income to you or your family until a specified event and then transfer the property to the Foundation;
  • Donating cash, stock, or other property to the Foundation while you’re still living (donating stocks that have appreciated substantially while you’ve owned them may result in significant tax savings).

What is the Barbara Jobe Michos Bequest Society?

The UUFR Foundation’s Barbara Jobe Michos Bequest Society recognizes UUFR members and friends who have made or arrange to make a lasting contribution to UUFR’s long-term financial health through a planned gift to UUFR.

The Society is named for long-time UUFR member Barbara Jobe Michos who cared deeply about the financial health of the Fellowship. Barbara was the daughter of founding UUFR members L.H. and Lizzie Jobe. She volunteered large amounts of her time to promote stewardship and set an example of planned giving by making a bequest to UUFR in her will.

Membership in the Michos Society is conferred on anyone who includes UUFR in their estate planning documents. Members of the Michos Society have their names placed on a plaque prominently displayed at UUFR and are recognized at events held to celebrate their generosity. There is no minimum gift required to belong to the Society, because all gifts are important and valued.

To assist in long-term planning and confirm membership in the Society, we request that donors share the pertinent language and details of their planned gifts in a confidential manner with the Foundation Board. By receiving a copy of the documentation, UUFR is better able to ensure that a donor’s estate planning gift is properly realized. To share your intent, please print, complete and mail our Planned Gift Form to the Foundation Board. Even if your gift is not to the Endowment Fund, the Foundation Board serves as the conduit and repository for planned giving documents (which will be placed in a locked confidential file).

Planned gifts are typically made from assets in your estate and take effect upon your death. Common gift specifications include a lump sum amount, e.g., $10,000, or a specific percentage, e.g. 5%, of the net estate amount after taxes and expenses. Other specifications can include all or a share of a specific asset, such as a house, a retirement account, or an ownership interest in an insurance policy or a business. Most planned gifts are bequests that are transmitted to UUFR by the executor of an estate (if by a Will) or the Successor Trustee (if from a Living Trust). Other planned gifts include bequests from retirement accounts or annuities, life insurance proceeds, or other assets.

For information on arranging for a donation, or any other questions, please contact the Foundation’s President, Karthik Kripapuri, either by email, or by calling him at 651-592-9826.

The Memorial Fund

Gifts to the Memorial Fund may be made in in honor of living or deceased Fellowship members, friends, family members, or others to be used by the Memorial Fund to purchase library books, hymnals, plants, furnishings, sculpture, artwork, or other projects that enhance the beauty and functionality of the Fellowship’s facilities and programs.

Although memorial gifts are traditionally given at the time of a person’s death, often in lieu of flowers as a way of showing that a person was loved and will be missed, they can also be made on the anniversary of a death, or on another date significant in the life of an individual, or in honor of a living person.

Memorial Fund projects have included purchasing the concert grand piano in the sanctuary, the bronze chalice on the front of the building, benches and granite steps in the Memorial Garden, library shelving, the sanctuary chairs, sculpture and artwork inside the building and outside on the grounds, the new Fellowship sign on Wade Avenue, the new glass doors and handicap access doors for lower Fellowship Hall, and the complete renovation and landscaping of the Memorial Garden.




UUFR’s EIN # is 56-1377997


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Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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