Two UUFR Memories, by Jane Hunt
Back in the early 70’s, for perhaps three summers, UUFR held a Renaissance Fair on land owned by Gregory Peck in Garner. We all dressed in period costume, danced around a Maypole fashioned by Betsy Cox, listened to the Transylvania players on recorders. Those playing included Marge Gelbin; Betsy Cox; Jane, Jim and Priscilla Hunt; and Katherine Potak. We ate roasted chicken, cooked on a spit by Margaret Thompson Baucus with our fingers. The highlight would have been Alan Downing who came as the village idiot wearing only a diaper. The final season was rained out and there was quite a scramble distributing all the left uncooked pieces of chicken.
A long time ago my Sunday School class got a resolution passed at an annual meeting calling UUFR a Nuclear Free Zone. Next came a resolution calling for an end to executions. Followed by a welcoming of LGBQ’s (which should probably be updated). There may have been more but those are ones I remember. Good to have Social Action look into ones we should still pass.