Rev. Carrie McEvoy

Contact Information

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  • Phone: (919) 239-2438
  • Zoom:


Rev. Carrie is available for appointments Sunday – Thursday.


Rev. Carrie’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the pastoral care needs of the congregation are met.  Rev. Carrie also provides leadership for the lay ministry and care teams, the Adult Faith Formation programming, the Social Justice teams, and assists with Sunday worship and rites of passage.

More About Rev. Carrie

Rev. Carrie shares the following about herself…

“I am delighted and honored to serve as the Assistant Minister for this vibrant spiritual community – the UU Fellowship of Raleigh.  As Assistant Minister, My focus is in the areas of Pastoral Care, Adult Faith Formation and Social Justice.”

“I have spent a majority of my life in the Pacific Northwest – first in Oregon then in Washington.  I was raised Catholic, but moved away from organized religion during college.  I instead found my connection with the Divine in nature and in music.  In 2009 I met my late husband William and joined him on the east coast, and we settled in Norwalk, Connecticut.  It was then that he and I discovered Unitarian Universalism, and we jumped right in to congregational life.  Shortly after William’s passing in 2018, I could no longer ignore my call to ministry, so I left my profession as a database programmer and designer, and I started Seminary at Meadville Lombard Theological School.  Since my finishing seminary and being ordained, I have focused my ministry in hospital chaplaincy, most recently as a Palliative Care Chaplain Fellow in Greenwich, CT.”

“Some of the things I enjoy when I’m not working are hiking, singing, knitting, puzzling and spending time with friends.  I live in Raleigh with my very large cat Elwood.”

Stay Connected

Office Hours

Sunday: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: Closed

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