What should I wear?
Come as you are! Whether you’re most comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt or your “Sunday best,” you are welcome.
Where should I park?
We have ten parking spots in our upper parking lot directly across from our main entrance that are reserved for first time visitors. Feel free to park there on your first visit. If our parking lot is full, you can also park streets in the surrounding neighborhood. There is a short path at the end of Beaver Dam Road that leads to our lower parking lot.
When should I arrive?
We recommend arriving 15 minutes before service so you can pick up a name tag at our Welcome Stand and fill out a visitor form.
Is UUFR wheelchair accessible?
Yes! We have handicapped parking in both our upper parking lot and lower parking lot. If you enter on the lower level, you can take an elevator to our upper level where our Sanctuary is.
Do you require masks?
No, but we have reserved a section in the sanctuary which is “masks only” for people who feel more comfortable seated with others also wearing masks.
What is available for children and youth Sunday mornings?
We have Sunday morning childcare and programming available for children and youth from birth through 12th grade. Your children are also welcome to join you in the Sanctuary. Wiggles and giggles are welcome, but if your child gets a little restless, we have a Wiggle Room you can access from the foyer and still hear and see the service. If you have children with you, stop by the Welcome Stand when you first arrive, and one of our volunteers will direct you where to go.
What should I expect on Sunday morning?
Our Sunday morning services last about an hour and feature special music, hymn singing, inspirational readings, a time of silent reflection and meditation, and a message from one of our ministers. After service, we hope you’ll join us for Social Hour. On the first Sunday of the month, children and youth are invited to join us in the Sanctuary for the first 20 minutes before leaving for programming just for children and youth.
What activities can I participate in as a visitor?
Visitors are welcome to participate in almost all events and programs at UUFR.
What can I do if I have questions?